Oy. I could get behind last season of Anne with an E, even with its off-book shenanigans, but this season is more challenging. I know many of you find it challenging, too. "I mean, you're watching and the actors are so incredible and it's Anne, and Gilbert, and Matthew and Marilla and … [Read more...]
7 Thoughts on Trauma, Orphans, and “Anne with an E”
NOTE: Now that "Anne with an E" has dropped here in the US on Netflix, the conversation--and controversy--have ramped up even more. "I don't see why we need a 'gritty' Anne," one fan ranted, while others are loving the more complex, authentic heroine, trauma-induced warts and all. I … [Read more...]
7 (Mostly) Glowing Thoughts About “Anne with an E”
My friend Troy is a therapist who for years counseled his young clients in foster care to adopt as their role model Anne of Green Gables, once also a foster child. Resilient, tough, joyful--Anne found a place to belong, and maybe, someday, so could they. We tease him about this now, but he thought … [Read more...]
Review of “Anne” Episode 6: “I Want to Be a Heroine in My Own Story”
Thanks to my friend, novelist and Lucy Maud Montgomery nut Rachel McMillan, I am starting to see this innovative, new "Anne" as a character study, and not a plot driven retelling of AOGG. I know I have ranted here, and I'm still not thrilled with every change to my beloved story, but I feel … [Read more...]
Review of “Anne,” Episode 5: There Shall Be “Raspberry Cordial”!
While last week's episode was my least favorite so far, this one is by far my most favorite. I was pining for "iconic" moments, and iconic moments I received! I mean, if this were an ice cream cone, it would be Triple Scoop Iconic flavour (Canadian spelling). 1. Anne and Gil's Spelldown! I … [Read more...]