Oy. I could get behind last season of Anne with an E, even with its off-book shenanigans, but this season is more challenging. I know many of you find it challenging, too. "I mean, you're watching and the actors are so incredible and it's Anne, and Gilbert, and Matthew and Marilla and … [Read more...]
There’s Fool’s Gold in Avonlea’s Hills: Anne with an E Episode 2 Review
Oooh boy. This new season of Anne with an E is testing my love, to be sure. If the last episode of the second season was 90% off book, this one was 95% off book. It's almost as if creator Moira Walley Beckett has created a ten-part fan fiction of Anne of Green Gables! Or at least, looking at it … [Read more...]
Review of “Anne with an E” 2 Episode 1: Welcome Back to Alternative Avonlea
Last we left them, our Cuthberts were grappling with a Green Gables in trouble--up to the hilt in debt and Matthew too sick to work. Gilbert went off to sea, but not before a tender goodbye from Anne. Jerry, the Cuthbert's French farm boy, was beaten in an alley in Charlottetown by a couple of … [Read more...]
5 Anne of Green Gables-Inspired Ways to Make Your Writing Snap, Crackle and Pop
Oh, Anne! 109 years after Lucy Maud Montgomery’s novel was published, Anne Shirley--orphan, castaway, joyful heart--continues to invigorate and inspire us. One way the novel continues to inspire me is the luscious, exuberant way in which it was written by L.M.M., or “Maud” as she was called. Her … [Read more...]
Comparing Three Anne of Green Gables: Who Played Gilbert Blythe Best??
What is it about Gilbert Blythe that has prompted so many dreamy sighs over the last century and nine years? Yes, we've loved him for no less than 109 years! He may seem like a mild-mannered boy-next-door, without a lot of flash and drama, but it’s his stoic devotion that makes him complex and … [Read more...]