Most people reading this will agree: This is Us is more than a show, it's a touchstone for us all in grief, parenting, marriage, and issues of identity and belonging. But especially, it's a touchstone for grief. I was amazed at the comments I saw as I scrolled through my various feeds. A friend who … [Read more...]
This is Us Recap Episode 30: Can Kevin and Miguel Put the Past Behind Them?
Finally, some redemption for Miguel! I knew he had too much respect for his best friend to be putting the moves on Jack's wife back in the day. I loved his explanation of it to Kevin, that in his mind, Jack and Rebecca were one so he couldn't even imagine having feelings for her then. I, for … [Read more...]
This is Us Episode 28 RECAP: Randall and Jack Both Let Go
I can't even... This episode may have me sniffling for the five weeks it takes us to get back to the show. I knew the Randall episode would get under my skin the most, because he's the triplet I most relate to. He's like my Tv brother from another mother--for real! However, allow me to collect … [Read more...]
This is Us Episode 25 RECAP: Will Jack and Rebecca Be Able to Guide Randall Through a Racist World?
My two favorite components of "This is Us"-- Randall and adoption--were front and center in this week's episode, so I was ALL IN! At first, I thought the judge story was an obvious place to go--a black judge wanting to stop a white family from adopting a black child. But the more I thought about … [Read more...]
I Am a Real Dad: Thoughts About and Photos of Adoptive Dads and Their Children
It was 2004 when my husband, Doyle, had a dream he will never forget. In the dream he saw a tiny little girl, about two, with hair the color of a blackbird's wing and eyes the shape of watermelon seeds. She was sitting on the back of a tractor trailer, in a red shirt, waving at him and … [Read more...]