Yeah, I’m annoyed with our Big Three, how about you? I mean, even Randall, who I pretty much coo at week after week, managed to irk me with his disappointing chat with Beth. More on THAT doozy later. For now, here’s my RECAP:
1.”I’m covered in triplet stuff,” says a harried Rebecca as she, Radio Shack Jack and the Big Three toddlers go shopping for a camcorder–yes, a CAMCORDER! Jack is obviously into the latest gear, so years later, after his death, Rebecca isn’t sure what kind of camera to buy to record her kids’ high school graduations.
2. Enter Smarmy Single Dad, an acquaintance from school who offers to help Rebecca find the right equipment. And then he asks her out. Four. Months. After. Jack. Died. No, weirdo, Rebecca does not want to “grab a cup of coffee” or anything else with you! (Listen to me, carrying on like Rebecca is my
3. With Beth now embarking on her dream job as a dance teacher, and Randall about to be sworn in as a City Councillor, their family juggling act now resembles something out of Cirque Du Soleil. Who will keep all the balls in the air?
4. Kate finishes college, sixteen years after she was supposed to (hey, it happens). So Toby goes over the top (when does he not?) and organizes a graduation ceremony and party for Kate and the handful of others who graduated from the community college this semester. Madison is all in, renaming a Mojito the “Commence-Mint” in honor of the occasion. Of course, being Madison, she doesn’t understand that she has essentially made up a drink someone else already made up. But she means well, doesn’t she?
5. Deja writes what she thinks is a private essay on her experience of living in her mom’s car. Her young, inexperienced teacher is so proud of Deja she publishes it online, without Deja’s consent. She and Randall are both STEAMED, and who wouldn’t be? The redemption is that she and Randall have a heart to heart about race and privilege and all that stuff that needs to be aired.
6. Speaking of juggling, our Kevin is juggling lies to cover his relapse. He’s lying to Zoe, to Kate, and to himself most of all. But because of that twin thing, Kate senses something is wrong with Kevin. When he bolts without reason from her grad soiree, Kate follows him, brushes past him in his hotel doorway, and, well, the gig is up. Busted, and we couldn’t be happier, could we?
7. Back in 1997, no one is in a celebratory mood, not even Randall, the Valedictorian for his graduating class. Kevin shows up for his own grad, but Kate can’t do it. She decides to have the school mail her diploma (she really is unbearable sometimes). Poor Rebecca just about has a breakdown outside Randall’s school, but good old Miguel is there to offer support and a little push. She is stronger than she knows, and Miguel, who loved Jack, too, is the perfect friend to lean on.
8. Kate drives Kevin to an AA meeting because he is so plastered he can’t drive himself (a fact that will upset Toby later). Her water breaks and it’s much too soon–28 weeks! He calls an ambulance for his sister and she is rushed to the hospital where her worried family gathers. In a
9. Oh Randall…I know where you are coming from but MAN…Don’t take your woman’s dream so soon after she bravely reclaimed it! Well, he didn’t take it, exactly, but he suggested putting it on the back burner for awhile until things calm down for the family. All I can say is, keep brainstorming for a solution, because Beth quitting dance again is not it. (And OUCH–I think this must be shades of things to come with their marriage…I can’t even!)
10. Back in 1997, at a graduation party, the Big Three wonder if they will always be as close as they are in that moment. Randall says it all: “As long as we stay in each other’s lives, we will be okay.”
Well, what did you think of this episode? Favorite lines? Favorite moments? I am worried about Kate and the baby AND Randall and Beth (again with them!). What do you think will happen with the baby? Will Kevin crash and burn again? Are we tired of him crashing and burning? I might be. Just saying.
Catch up on last week’s episode here!
Jack was great at picking out the best recorder! I had a feeling that the single dad was going to ask Rebecca out!
Poor Deja, my heart goes out to her! But I’m glad her teachers think she can skip a grade and I was shocked that she said she didn’t want to skip.
Wow, Kate’s water broke while driving! And Keven tells Toby that he is wasted!
I’m not happy with Randall and Randall is my favorite story line but he needs to let Beth have her DREAM! Beth has always been there for the things that Randall has wanted to do.