What could have been ... I don't know about you, but this episode had me on the edge of my seat, especially during the sequence where Randall imagined his worst fears if Jack had lived. In this Randall-focused episode, we do a deep dive into his soul and discover something of his long-buried … [Read more...]
This is Us Recap, Season 3, Episode 14: Randall, Kevin and Young Kate Tick Us All Off
Yeah, I'm annoyed with our Big Three, how about you? I mean, even Randall, who I pretty much coo at week after week, managed to irk me with his disappointing chat with Beth. More on THAT doozy later. For now, here's my RECAP: 1."I'm covered in triplet stuff," says a harried Rebecca as she, Radio … [Read more...]
This is Us Episode 28 RECAP: Randall and Jack Both Let Go
I can't even... This episode may have me sniffling for the five weeks it takes us to get back to the show. I knew the Randall episode would get under my skin the most, because he's the triplet I most relate to. He's like my Tv brother from another mother--for real! However, allow me to collect … [Read more...]