Seriously craving nachos over here, even though it's not yet lunchtime. Well, it's lunchtime somewhere, isn't it? We are down to the wire here with our Pearsons, and by wire I mean the season finale is next week! Not again! I guess we will survive, as we have lived through the last two years of … [Read more...]
This is Us Season 3, Episode 16 RECAP: Which Pearson Couple Will Find Their Happy Ending?
Yikes! What the what with Randall and Beth? I had this look on my face the whole episode like, 'please, please, for the LOVE, don't treat each other like that!' But they went ahead and treated each other badly anyway, and here we are, facing a rather grim RECAP. But at least one couple settled … [Read more...]
This is Us RECAP, Season 3, Episode 15: The Pearsons Wait for News of Kate and the Baby
Can you say "fraught"? Things are tense indeed as our Pearson's wait out Kate's baby crisis together in the hospital. And we were all there with them, tense and waiting. This episode was a little lacking in warmth and humor for my taste, but it held my interest for the most part. I found myself … [Read more...]
This is Us Recap, Season 3, Episode 14: Randall, Kevin and Young Kate Tick Us All Off
Yeah, I'm annoyed with our Big Three, how about you? I mean, even Randall, who I pretty much coo at week after week, managed to irk me with his disappointing chat with Beth. More on THAT doozy later. For now, here's my RECAP: 1."I'm covered in triplet stuff," says a harried Rebecca as she, Radio … [Read more...]
This is Us Recap: Season 3, Episode 13–Will Beth Follow Her Childhood Dreams?
Two things: 1. I am loving the dilly out of all these road trips! First the Big Three last week and now Beth and Zoe this week. (I am wondering though, did Randall pack the ladies "many pitted fruits?" Or did they behave as normal people do and eat crunchy, salty, chocolaty things?) 2. I, too, … [Read more...]