There is no diminishing the pain, anxiety and loss of 2020. But I will say I read alot, and so did you, I am guessing. After all, this was the year that baking, picnicking, and reading all experienced a resurgence. And not only reading itself, but reading classics surged due to the pandemic. … [Read more...]
Book Crush: Go Weak in the Knees with 10 Swoony Reads
Presenting 10 swoony, melty, make-you-fizz-like-Prosecco stories, to have and to hold, on this day forward, until you read the last page (but still cherish them forever, til death do you part.) Valentine's Day may not be your cup of heart-feathered cappuccino, but it's a darn good excuse to read. … [Read more...]
13 Luscious Green Gables-Inspired Baby/Pet Names
Plus Win an Antique Slate by Commenting Below! Oh, Anne! I love so many things about you, and today I love the fact that you are a Name Freak like me. How do I know this? How does a kindred spirit know anything about another kindred spirit? Also, witness Anne, begging Marilla to let her rename … [Read more...]
Top 10 Literary Crushes and Why We Love ‘Em
So, I thought we'd count backwards, because I always like my lists counted backwards, don't you? That way, it builds anticipation for number one! And btw, my abiding thanks to Modern Mrs. Darcy and her fine readers, whose comments about my guest blog--Gilbert Blythe vs Mr. … [Read more...]