I'm so glad I got to see Emma. while it was still in theaters, whilst theaters were still a thing! Spoiler: I adored it, and felt that except for the unfortunate nosebleed scene, I would not have changed a thing. Now that the movie is streaming, we can ALL see it from the oh-so-familiar confines, … [Read more...]
This is Us RECAP: Kevin’s Blonde Lady Friend Wasn’t Exactly Who We Thought She Was
Okay, I've got one: Kevin grabs some impulse control and stops jumping into bed with everyone. His beautiful head clears and he focuses on what he really wants: an epic love story like the one his parents had. I think he can have that with Sophie, but he has to go after what he wants. He has to … [Read more...]
This is Us RECAP: Randall’s Terror Mounts; Will Beth Drag Him to Therapy?
Of course, after a stressful week of biting our nails over Randall's terrifying encounter with a knife-wielding man, we have to wait just a bit more before we see what happens. Back in 1983, it's the Big Three's first night in big boy beds, and a big girl bed and Jack Pearson is ready for it. … [Read more...]
New Year’s Book Crush: My Best Loved Reads of 2019
It was another incredible year of reading in 2019, as I once again made reading a priority and it paid off. How does reading pay off? If you are a reader, you already know, but just to say it, reading makes you grow like a spider plant on a sunny windowsill. Books are chlorophyll for the spirit, … [Read more...]
Review: I Finally Found My (Nearly) Perfect Little Women Movie
Other than the matter of Professor Bhaer being FRENCH (which, do not worry, gentle readers, we will cover here in due time), I think I have found my adaptation of Little Women. I’ve heard from some of you who still prefer the 1994 treatment starring Winona Rider as Jo. Let’s not forget the 2018 … [Read more...]