When last we left our Pearson family, three loooong weeks ago, the Big Three had turned around to see what they could do for their Uncle Nicky, just discovered in a truly abysmal trailer in the woods. I wondered, would he allow himself to be helped? How would his talk with Rebecca go? And would their long lost uncle become a part of their lives?
An episode awash in memories.
This beautiful episode, awash in memories and in the truth that siblings often
- Randall is like the irrepressible kid who can’t help saying goofy things, even in the middle of the most fraught conversations. Because “fraught” describes the Big Three, outside their uncle’s hotel room, having just heard the ominous sounds of him quickly bolting the door after them. A symbol of how he is locking them out of his life? Randall goes on about his love for Pringles, until his siblings are like, “Sweet Fancy Moses, stop saying nonsensical things, Man!” However, I liked it. I thought it was funny, even if they didn’t.
2. The next morning, at the hotel’s buffet breakfast, the Big Three plot their next moves. Kevin’s been up all night, researching vet centers. He’s found one nearby that looks perfect, except Uncle Nicky just wants to go home.
3. Rebecca shows up at the hotel, unable to stay away from this living link to her beloved Jack. She remembers that strange weekend from long ago, when Jack lied to
4. In the present day, Kevin is the triplet most intent on helping Uncle Nicky. Kate has a doctor’s appointment in LA, and Randall wants to get back to Beth and the girls. He drops an interesting clue for next week’s Beth episode: “My wife is unemployed and she’s all over the place…” Hmmm.
5. Kevin snaps at Randall when Randall begs off the next stage of the Save Uncle Nicky Road Trip. “Wow! You jump at the chance to save everyone else on the planet but when our uncle needs help you need to be home for dinner.” Oooh, zinger!
6. Kevin could honestly use the support because things don’t go great at the vet center. Uncle Nicky balks like a crusty old mule at getting treatment or help. “I’ve been to counselors before and it didn’t work.” (To which I say, keep going or get a new counselor!) He also can’t leave his trailer without “getting the shakes.” “You’re out of your depth, kid,” he tells a crestfallen Kevin, who is DEFINITELY out of his depth.
7. Rebecca shares in Kevin’s frustration and anger–at Jack most of all. “It’s hard to be mad at someone who’s not here anymore. There’s nothing you can do with those feelings.”
8. Meanwhile, Kate and Randall decide to go to their old house on the old street where they grew up. Of course, the house is rebuilt now, and very different, but Kate still has a flash of memory. She remembers the spectacular sequin fight of Valentine’s Day, 1992, but Randall remembers things differently. He remembers his dad’s pain and rage, and a plate smashing into the kitchen wall.
9. In the past, young Randall (and always superb Lonnie Chavez) is excited to get the go-ahead from his dad to order a pizza. “Hi, I’m an adult,” he says in a hilariously bad low voice. “Can I order a pizza?” Haha!
10. Rebecca and Nicky talk. They talk about the man they both loved, though they remember him differently. “He told you I died because he wished I was dead,” Nicky blurts out, painfully. Rebecca shows him compassion. “Jack was opening up in ways he never had before…I think he would have found his way back to you.”
11. And the moment when we all lost it (at least I did): Nick’s voice breaks. “And um…you guys were all he ever wanted.”
12. Kevin feels everything deeply. I bet he’s an HSP ( Highly Sensitive Person) like me and 15% of the population. He feels so much that he takes out a library book on Minneapolis because his favorite player may be traded there, and should know where all the great pool halls are. He feels so much he can’t bear the thought of not being able to help his uncle. It’s so unbearable, in fact, that Kevin falls off the wagon and takes a drink. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! No, Kev!
13. In a tip-off to next week’s episode (yabba dabba doo–we only have to wait for a WEEK this time!), Randall returns home to his girls, only to find Beth in a tither. Her mom has a possible broken hip, and she and Zoe are embarking on a road trip of their own. Kate’s homecoming is pure sweetness. Toby’s there with a hug, new pink, fuzzy slippers, and the offer to care for her with a cup of tea.

Well, what did YOU think? What memories were stirred for you this week? Have you ever visited the house that grew you? I have, and it packs a wallop of emotions.
What do you think will happen to Uncle Nicky now?
Will Kevin take care of himself or will he fall apart again? So sad to see because our Kevin had been rising and strengthening and becoming a hero in his own life…And now…Ugh! But will Kevin’s relapse possibly bring Uncle Nicky back in the fold to help?
Are you excited about the Beth episode next week? I can’t wait!
Comment below and let’s mull it all over together like the US nerds we are!
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