Other than the matter of Professor Bhaer being FRENCH (which, do not worry, gentle readers, we will cover here in due time), I think I have found my adaptation of Little Women. I’ve heard from some of you who still prefer the 1994 treatment starring Winona Rider as Jo. Let’s not forget the 2018 … [Read more...]
Who played Little Women’s Teddy and Professor Bhaer Best?
Part 2: A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog comparing the performances of the actresses in the two most recent Little Women screen adaptations. Much to my delight, the comments were evenly divided, even though my review definitely skewed toward the new, 3 hour PBS treatment. And I find it hilarious how … [Read more...]
Who played Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy best? Comparing the old and new “Little Women” Movies
Part 1: Who played Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy best? As a former entertainment writer, I relish reviewing movies and TV shows almost as much as I adore evaluating books. And when a favorite book comes to the screen, I am irresistibly drawn to reviewing it. Even better? When a dearly loved story comes to … [Read more...]
12 Little Musings on the new “Little Women”
Last night, at 7:55 p.m., my 13-year-old daughter burst into the house from spending most of the day at her grandma's for Mother's Day (I was still recovering from some unholy stomach bug). She was all enthused about some show that had just dropped on Netflix, that we should watch … [Read more...]
Premise Crush: 11 Fall Books that Hooked Me at Hello
Ahh, there's nothing like a tantalizing book premise, is there? I spent four years after college as a "marketing writer" at a publishing house, where I learned to write "blurbs"--you know, the enticing stuff on the back of the book. Ever since, I've been a fan of good hooks, those premises that … [Read more...]