As Jack tells his little girl, every good story has a he or a she who really wants something. But what does our Kate want? And can she ever find it? In this week's Kate episode, directed by our very own Justin Hartley, we rejoin the Family Pearson in 1983 or so, as Jack and Rebecca's third child … [Read more...]
This is Us RECAP: Kevin’s Blonde Lady Friend Wasn’t Exactly Who We Thought She Was
Okay, I've got one: Kevin grabs some impulse control and stops jumping into bed with everyone. His beautiful head clears and he focuses on what he really wants: an epic love story like the one his parents had. I think he can have that with Sophie, but he has to go after what he wants. He has to … [Read more...]
This is Us RECAP: Randall’s Terror Mounts; Will Beth Drag Him to Therapy?
Of course, after a stressful week of biting our nails over Randall's terrifying encounter with a knife-wielding man, we have to wait just a bit more before we see what happens. Back in 1983, it's the Big Three's first night in big boy beds, and a big girl bed and Jack Pearson is ready for it. … [Read more...]
This Is Us RECAP: Rebecca’s Diagnosis, and I’m Still Not Breathing Normally After That Guy Pulled a Knife
Okay, so now that my heart has begun to beat normally again (that guy with the knife!), I thought I would recap the episode. Let me back up a little. We'll get to the moment where my heart about stopped later...For now, let's go over the events of this heart fluttering, pounding and stopping … [Read more...]
This Is Us Fall Finale Recap: Sassy Aunt Sweet Potato Pie–all the Twister Twists!
Okay, so my head is still exploding after that crazy flash-forward, nine months from now twister of a twist! But for the purposes of this, my last recap for two months, I will proceed with recapping the episode as we thought it was, not as it was knowing what we know now...Got it? It was … [Read more...]