I am not taking this well. In fact, I’m a sentimental puddle right now. Show of hands, who’s with me?
I hate goodbyes, even when the friends are fictional and the place is one I’ve never stepped foot on.
As ghastly as it was to see our beloved Downton come to an end, I must say, Sir Julian and company did a bang up job wrapping up so many loose ends and delivering a satisfying ending for everybody (perhaps TOO satisfying?)
Upstairs and downstairs, our characters were given resolution, hope, and more than a dash of romance. Love was in the air like crazy cakes, as almost everybody had a twinkle in their eyes for somebody else.
And a couple of loathsome ladies, namely Amelia Cruikshank Merton and Denker were put in their places. Really, I hope Denker gets a job over at the Merton’s castle. Goodness knows they deserve each other.
So, in order of last to first, with the first being most wondrous and uplifting, sniffle-worthy, here are my thoughts on all the resolutions and punctuation marks in our favorite six-season story:
10. Daisy and Andy: Andy, as Mr. Mason pointed out quite accurately, is a “cracking lad,” and silly Daisy almost let him slip through her foolish fingers. But, kicked in the pants by Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason, and armed with a spunky new bob, Daisy will move to the farm and no doubt end up as Mrs. Andy in the near future.
9. “Let’s not be out of step anymore,” Andy said to Daisy by way of clearing up years of confusion and awkwardness. May it be so. A simple, profound line.
8. But will my Mrs. Patmore be Daisy’s new sort-of mother-in-law? She was awfully dewy-eyed when Mr. Mason voiced his hope that she would come round the farm more often…(Goodbye Mrs. Patmore! I follow you on Twitter now! Don’t be a stranger! Love you! Okay, I’ll stop now…)
7. How very juicy when the Dowager Countess absolutely vanquished Denker with one sentence: “Who knew we had an expert in the basement?” This of course referred to Spratt and his “dooble life” as an advice columnist at Edith’s magazine. So instead of getting him sacked, Denker managed to elevate her foe in Violet’s eyes. Butler/Agony Aunt? That sounds like a pretty nifty two-for-one deal.
6. Hurrah! Lord Merton doesn’t have pernicious anemia, but another more manageable sort, AND Isabel can’t live without him! Jolly good stuff! However, his daughter in law is Satan, so there is that.
5. Henry and Tom, the car-crazy brothers-in-law, shall go into business together in the world’s quaintest car dealership! And Mary’s not only pleased, she’s…
4. Pregnant! Sweet. And nice to see Henry bonding with Master George, who could not be cuter or more winsome.
3. Got a wee bit choked up when George said goodbye to Mr. Barrow. So glad he was brought back to the Abbey for keeps, to run things as butler and keep a loving eye on George like Carson has done with Mary.
2. I forgave Carson his utter old boobyness of late. “The Palsy,” he called it, forced him to give up serving the “holy family,” as Mrs. Hughes calls them. Bittersweet, to be sure. What I really liked was Mary’s panic when she thought Carson wouldn’t be around anymore. “You know how dear you are to me, and if there are any changes to be made, we must not be afraid to face them.” It showed her deep love for the man who has cared for her like a daughter. I thoroughly enjoyed their Anne of Green Gables, Matthew Cuthbert relationship (not that Mary is remotely like our AOGG!).
And it’s a tie for #1 Best Resolution:
1. Edith is FINALLY happy, as Bertie’s wife, Marigold’s mother, and marchioness of Hexham. And oh, that castle, with its crenelated turrets and the astonishing kelly green dining room that goes on and on! Plus she wins outfit of the night with her lustrous wedding gown and that veil, fanned out like a waterfall of moonlight.
1. Anna and Bates have their baby boy, and no murder charges are outstanding for either one of them! They were my favorites from the start, though they faded into the woodwork this season. Lovely to see them content and looking forward to a happy future.
Although, they didn’t give the little guy a name, did they? That simply won’t do, not on this blog!
So how about Julian, in honor of the writer who has given us all so much storytelling pleasure over the last five years?
Julian. Julian John Bates.
What do you think?
How did you like or dislike the ending?
Who will you miss the most?
Comment below for your chance to win Downton Tea. We will be drawing the name of the winner on Friday!
It was splendid and sad all at once. I’m afraid it will be a while before it really sinks in that these characters won’t be back for a visit. Next Sunday evening I may be in tears more than I was last night. I am awful at goodbyes … and yes even when the friends are fictional. I agree with all the above as being the best highlights. I’ll just add that I surly liked the dress Edith wore to dinner the night she was being secretly set up. It was simply beautiful; copper with beautiful patina green bits. It seems this entire season she wore all my favorites. As I’ve said in the past I’ll surly miss our friends at Downton but indeed I’ll miss these morning after recaps my friend. Blessings to you and all who follow here. Farewell for now.
I, too, loved Edith’s copper and green dress. Edith has been, overall, Best Dressed. 🙂 Blessings to you, too!
Loved the ending, love that family, love the Abbey, and love the name. So sad to see it go, but can you confirm rumor of an upcoming film?
I can’t confirm it, but wouldn’t a film be sublime? I had this conversation with my husband last night, about a DA film. He just does not get the need for a film, or the fan fiction series of books I wished for. 🙂
I was thrilled by the final episode: what a wonderful ending! Both my husband and I had tears in our eyes when they started singing “Auld Lang Syne.”
I’ll miss ALL of the characters, but I really think I’ll miss Tom the most. He is the kind of brother and friend I think we’d all like to have. (After all he’s gone through, it is so nice to see him at peace and possibly considering a new relationship. See, even the way I said that, it’s like I’m expecting that they will just go on with their lives, without us.
Jeannie, yes! “Auld Lang Syne” was the sweetest thing, and I, too, will miss Tom. He’s so steady and amiable! Thank goodness he didn’t end up with Miss Bunting!
Oh, I was in tears at the end. I’m glad Edith finally is happy and Mary is content. Also, putting Edith and Mary’s differences aside was a huge plus.
I loved when Viloet was reading Spratt’s column. That was a hoot!
To see Isobel and Lord Mertens finally together was terrific. They deserve it.
I’m glad Thomas was made butler and he and Carson came to an understanding.
I would love to see how they change during the upcoming centuries and how they adapt to all the change. I would also like to see how Master George, Sybiiee, and Marigold get along and what happens to them.
I know! I wish we could see what happens to all of them, too. Here’s hoping there actually is a movie someday!
I was a little afraid that the finale would feel too rushed, with every loose string hastily knotted. That was not the case, much to everyone’s relief. It’s impossible to believe this rich, savory deight is done, but at least the ending did not disappoint. Much to my surprise, “the man everyone had come to hate” Mr. Barrow had become a character to be pitied and not maligned. It was nice to see his humanity rise to the surface and to redeem himself. I love that Julian wrote in the hints of romances to come and didn’t just hastily wed everyone off. The true Downton Crowd didn’t need to be hit over the head with the overtly obvious. All in all, I was very satisfied, although the sense of “no more” hasn’t really sunk in!
Yes, a masterstroke of Julian’s writing was this: “Mr. Barrow had become a character to be pitied and not maligned.”
I’m a sucker for redemptive storylines, so my favorite resolution was Barrow’s. I’m truly impressed with the way the writers were able to get us to care about a character we all hated for years.
It was a perfect ending. Loved the hint of a possible romance for Tom as well. Sniff! Sniff! If only Marigold had met her new Grandmama- I’m sure Bertie’s mother would fall in love with her!
I too loved the finale. I was glad to see that Edithgot her happy ending finally. I was nervous when the minister asked if anyone would object to their marriage. I was hoping they weren’t going to ruin the moment and they came through. I like the fact that Daisy finally woke up and saw things differently. Especially when Mr Mason asked Mrs Patmore if she was going to be coming around and Daisy just smiled. She finally got over her jealousy. I think I will miss the Douwager the most. Loved when Denker tried to have Spratt sacked but instead made the Douwager crack up laughing. I will miss everything about this show. Sad to see it end but they did a great job of it.
Very happy, almost too tidy, ending. I was disappointed Baby Bates wasn’t named. I think Julian is perfect.
I loved and hated every moment (hated because it was getting closer to the final end). I liked how Rose was able to get Uncle Robert to be okay with Cora doing her hospital work. I loved how Tom and Henry went into business together, Spratt getting one final moment over Denker (why does Violette put up with her anyway?), and the spark between Tom and the magazine editor. Thought it was interesting that Lord Merton had to be rescued. Turning the table on the usual damsel in distress story line. The story of Daisy with the hair dryer was hilarious (and that thing was huge!)
I saw in an interview with Mr. Fellowes that he wanted to make the end somewhat neat and tidy (but not completely) because of the love the fans had for the characters. He also said he left things somewhat open for a “visit” somewhere down the line. Said a movie in the future was definitely a door he was keeping open.
And now I’ll be spending time periodically imdb’ing all the actors to see what they are up to.
Number 1 on our list is definitely Mary and Henry’s story arc. Edith’s scenes can be deleted and we’ll still have a glorious finale. They gave Edith great wardrobe for this episode. But she looked washed out in that wedding dress. She doesn’t carry metallics very well. She will never outshine her gorgeous sisters and cousin Rose in whatever she wears or does.
The Best Dressed of the Finale is LADY MARY. Even in the simple cream dress she wore at the first dinner scene, she outshines Edith’s more elaborate frock by her sheer natural elegance and graceful carriage. Mary even shines in the simple home clothes, while if you put the same clothes on Edith, Edith always looks like a nobody; in fact, Edith always looks either plain, frumpy, or just ugly. But the piece de resistance was Lady Mary in the red Fortuny Delphos, an original 1910 vintage dress worn during the last dinner scene. Too bad they only showed a quick glimpse of her in the library. The rest of the scenes, such as the one in Carson’s office, Mary was sitting down, depriving us of the view of the complete gown from head to toe, which was magnificent. Edith could never hold a candle to Mary in every aspect of life, personality, character, etc. All in all, Mary is still the better person than Edith. If you’ve watched the show correctly, you’d have known that.