So there are now gender reveals and makeover reveals and home improvement reveals–why not a cover reveal?
Presenting the cover for my forthcoming memoir, “Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter and Me: What My Favorite Book Taught Me About Grace, Belonging, and the Orphan in Us All.”
I must say, out of my thirteen books, this is my favorite cover. I wanted it to be luscious, LOUSY with color and charm, just like our gal Anne with an “E”.
I wanted the cover to convey that here was a book for dreamy, bookish sorts, who may or may not be scatterbrained, who may or may not lose all track of time and space when dwelling in a book’s pages.
I wanted the cover to say, “Kindred Spirits are welcome here.” I hoped it would call out to the Race That Knows Joseph. You know who you are.
When Tyndale gave me this cover (and a couple of other beauties to vote on), I knew this was it. Bravo to their creative, thoughtful, brilliant team of cover designers. I owe you guys big!
Thanks for coming to my cheesy cover reveal. Unfortunately, I have no actual cheese or wine or even Raspberry Cordial-flavored Kool-Aid with which to ply you. By the way, yes, that IS a Rifle Paper Company pattern on the background. Some of you etsy sorts will know what that is.
And no, that is not me behaving as a “Book Drunkard” there on the cover (LM Montgomery referred to herself once as a “book drunkard,” and I felt my lifelong condition had been finally named). It’s supposed to represent “Everywoman,” not Anne, me, or Phoebe; here’s hoping that’s what this dear lady represents.
I’ll e-hug you on your way out the door of my Cover Reveal Party.
What, you didn’t know that was a thing?
It’s a thing, TOTALLY!
Please let me know how you like it in the comments. Thank you all for stopping by!
Love, love, love it. Will be requesting a review copy from the peeps at Tyndale! Great stuff.
This is fan-freaking-tastic. I’ve been following along with your FB posts as you write and edit and such and was avast when I discovered I don’t have a copy of AGG in my library!
Sheesh, aghast.
Oh Lorilee! It’s beautiful! Just perfect.
Gorgeous, Craker! I can’t wait to own this beauty. I’m so proud of you!
Love it. Anne of Green Gables was my favorite childhood books. I loved it then and I love it now. I will definitely be checking this out.
It is so inviting! I just want to dive right in! Soon, I hope.
I love the cover and I cannot wait to read this book! I look forward to spending one day to myself, reading, crying, finding that kindred spirit 🙂
can’t wait to read your book!! congrats!!
Beautiful & whimsical indeed! I’m SOOO looking forward to reading this, Lorilee. Your work is sure to be a blessing of healing to all who read it. Thankyou 🙂
Beyond lovely! Congratulations!
It’s GREAT, Lorilee! It’s definitely appealing and an attention-getter. For those who love book covers and buy books because they love the covers, this one’s a winner!
I’m so excited to get my hands in this book! I ordered it Monday and just can’t wait.