Yikes! What the what with Randall and Beth? I had this look on my face the whole episode like, 'please, please, for the LOVE, don't treat each other like that!' But they went ahead and treated each other badly anyway, and here we are, facing a rather grim RECAP. But at least one couple settled … [Read more...]
This is Us Recap: Season 3, Episode 13–Will Beth Follow Her Childhood Dreams?
Two things: 1. I am loving the dilly out of all these road trips! First the Big Three last week and now Beth and Zoe this week. (I am wondering though, did Randall pack the ladies "many pitted fruits?" Or did they behave as normal people do and eat crunchy, salty, chocolaty things?) 2. I, too, … [Read more...]
This Is Us Season 3 RECAP: Jack, Rebecca, Zoe and Kevin All Unzip Their Beautiful Hearts
I may be in the minority, but I love the Vietnam episodes. They feel like mini-movies, with the music from the era and the setting of Asia in wartime. Tuesday's episode is no exception. We learned so much more this week about Jack and Nicky, not to mention, Jack and Rebecca. The road trip, the … [Read more...]